With their village devastated by a violent tropical storm, tribal members begin planning and working together in hopes of rebuilding their beautiful island home. To help keep spirits high, the tribal council decides to
make the village rebuild “a fun competition”. 
Upon entering the event arena, teams are predetermined or randomly selected by the tribal council and given their colored bandanas.
Each team will be briefed by their selected leader, as to what tasks or challenges they will perform.
A third of each team will compete in a series of island games and challenges.
The next third will search for building materials for their new homes, their school, clinic, jail house and general store. In addition each team’s best fashion designer will create a costume for their warrior or princess,
who will then perform their creative dance before the entire village.
The last third will design and build a colorful tribal racing raft in preparation for a quick evacuation of the island should the rumbling volcano blow (exciting raft races to follow).
Sample Challenges
- The “Jaws” Relay Race (opening ice breaker)
- Muu Muu Madness (team hula competition)
- Conch Shell Blowing Contest
- Village Beauty Pageant
- Original Grass Hut Design and Construction
- Most Creative and Energetic Grass Hut Sales Pitch
- Most Unique Raft, unusual and creative raft flag and the exhilarating ocean paddle races
- Tribal Chant
Sample Games Competition
- Spear Slide
- Coconut Bowling
- Mango Madness
- Huli-Huli Ball
- Ring of Fire
- Hula Hoop-la
- Appropriately uniformed staff (games instructors/scorekeepers, judges, lifeguards
- State of the art sound system, "Survivor" TV series sound track & additional high energy recorded music, remote microphones and event announcer
- Sets of tribe identifying color bandanas
- Tribe staging area flags (flags will color match the tribe bandana
colors, making for an organized and smooth flowing assembling of the tribes)
- Event Banner (If customized, additional Expense)
- Bamboo raft kit supplies (bamboo poles, jute twine, inflatable floatation tubes, canvas, paints, brushes and racing paddles)
- Bamboo grass hut building kits (various lengths of bamboo poles, jute twine, grass roof thatching, grass cloth, paints & brushes)
- Island games and their signage…(coconut bowling, ring of fire, spear slide, hula hoop- la, mango madness and huli-huli ball)
- Island challenges:
Jaws relay race, Muu-Muu Madness tribal hula contest, conch shell blowing competition, Tribal Beauty Pageant, "most creative" grass hut judging, "most unique" raft judging and the exhilarating ocean raft paddle races
- Grass skirts, coconut tops, lei, shell necklaces, washable paints and brushes (used for creatively body painting the beauty pageant contestants)
- Parade of the Rafts
- Exciting Ocean Raft Paddle Races
- Set up, strike and cleanup of the event area
- Cost of Beach Permit (if required) will be passed along to client at actual expense
- Upon the completion of our “Survivors of Volcano Island” event, the top three teams will be presented with their customized company logo awards